Friday, May 30, 2014

55 33 Watch | The Phrase "Allahu Akbar " and "Amen"


Today it is reported that a "U.S. Jihadi" from Florida detonated a suicide bomb in Syria.  CNN and other mainstream networks are showing the footage of the explosion with the familiar phrase being yelled out in the background, "Allahu Akbar!"  Before today, I had never taken the time to decode this phrase, but after doing so, I'm not surprised by what I found.
  • Allahu = 1+12+12+1+8+21 = 55
  • Akbar = 1+11+2+1+18 = 33
  • The phrase means "God is Greater!"
Wikipedia has the following information pertaining to the phrase "Allahu Akbar!"
Allahu Akbar (Arabic: الله أكبر) is an Islamic phrase, called Takbir in Arabic, meaning "God is greater" or "God is [the] greatest".
Allahu Akbar or Allahu Ekber and similar variants may also refer to:
The word 'Amen', is much like the word 'Akbar'.
  • Amen = 1+13+5+14 = 33 
In my decoding of the religions of the world, the number 33 was found in many places, lending credence to my theory that the powers that be broke up spiritual truth, and fragmented it into different religions of the world, all for the purpose of dividing and conquering populations.  Of course this isn't to say that all religions are a product of the powers that be, but I do believe much of the division and tension between different spiritual beliefs, is a product of their work.

If you doubt that, think of post 9/11-America and feelings towards Islam.

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