Saturday, September 20, 2014

47 119 | 'Flames of War' and ABN News Network (Vemuri Radhakrishna)

'Flames of War' is the documentary released by 'ISIS', the paid for western mercenaries, fronting as 'some sort of threat to the whole world at any given second'.  In total, it makes me say thank you for 13-years of the "War on Terrorism", as coined by Ehud Barak the day after '9/11', who changed his name to Barak before becoming the Prime Minister of Israel, while Bill Clinton was President of the United States, who was born Bill Blythe.
  • Barak = 2+1+18+1+11 = 33
  • Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33
With regards to the "mainstream" media, which relies heavily on the "green screen", the number 113 is central, and often paired with 119; this is also true in the case of World Wars and World Trade Centers as well as many other major historical events.
  • Mainstream = 13+1+9+14+19+20+18+5+1+13 = 113
  • Green Screen = 7+18+5+5+14+19+3+18+5+5+14 = 113
These numbers are also central in Gematria, where the numbers 33, 47 and 74 are amongst the most important of all.  In the case of the name, 'Flames of War', it has the '47' Gematria.
  • Flames = 6+3+1+4+5+1 = 20
  • of = 6+6 = 12
  • War = 5+1+9 = 15
  • Flames of War = 20+12+15 = 47
The film 'Flames of War' was released by ABN News, formed on October 15, 2009; in the only month with '33' Gematria.
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
ABN News is owned by parent company Vemuri Radhakrishna.
  • Vemuri = 22+5+4+3+9+9 = 52
  • Radhakrishna = 9+1+4+8+1+11+9+9+1+8+5+1 = 67
  • Vemuri Radhakrishna = 52+67 = 119
With the alternate method, Vemuri sums to 34, the ninth Fibonacci number, as does the date that ABN was established.

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