Saturday, August 29, 2015

67 | Donald Trump Attacks Hillary Staffer Headlines, 'Fight Gets Ugly'

Fight = 6+9+7+8+2 = 32
Gets = 7+5+2+1 = 15
Ugly = 3+7+3+7 = 20
Fight Gets Ugly = 67

Notice this article is about Trump vs Hillary, through the prior media distraction, Anthony Little Weiner.

Further, recall that Hillary is currently '67', the 'perfect age to run for President as a woman', at least according to TIME magazine.  '67' is also the number of women, at least according to the Masons.

1 comment:

  1. Wiener was one of my favorite freemas0n ass clowns. I miss that little j e w piece of sh!t.


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