Friday, September 22, 2017

26 29 44 67 92 163 223 | 44-year old construction workers falls 29-floors in Manhattan, last day of summer, September 21, 2017

29-floors in Manhattan, with a fall just after 9:20 AM.

This fall comes on the last day of Summer, before the FALL Equinox.

He was 44-years old.

This happened on September 21, 2017, a date with '67' numerology.

9/21/2017 = 9+21+20+17 = 67
9/21/2017 = 9+21+(2+0+1+7) = 40 (Chunillo)

He died on the last day of summer.

Notice how the name Chunillo goes with 1 Seaport.

Ninety-Four = 147; Freemason = 147; Conspiracy = 147

This death comes 163-days after a similar story out of New York:

163, the 38th prime; Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38; RIP = 38

On February 11, a 29-year-old "twin" died in Manhattan:

Think about it.

This incident comes 222-days after the February 11th death (the 42nd day of the year), or a span of 223-days.  The Synagogue of Satan = 223; Masonic = 223

Read about the September 15, 2016 death of a 52-year old, who fell on 52nd St., from 47-stories above.  His name gematria was 223:

Scottish Rite = 159
Donald Trump = 159

Manhattan Project, underground weapons testing, ended in '92 (began in '45 and '51).

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